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Extensive budget package won

Eberle defended its communications budget as part of a multi-stage pitch by the Marketing and Sales Promotion Agency for Agricultural and Forest Products Baden-Württemberg (MBW) and also won the digital budget for managing online communications. With the renewed contract for the information and communication measures, MBW is continuing its cooperation with Eberle, which has existed since 1991. Online communication has now paved the way for the Gmünd creatives “for a genuine omni-channel strategy that links all brands and quality seals for food from Baden-Württemberg across all channels,” says Bernd Eberle, CEO of the advertising agency.


Within the extensive budget package, the marketing focus is on raw materials that are grown and processed in the state and on products that are manufactured exclusively in Baden-Württemberg. Among other things, the agency is responsible for measures for ‘Schmeck den Süden. Baden-Württemberg’ for the regional consumer campaign ‘Natürlich. VON DAHEIM.’, the Baden-Württemberg quality label (QZBW) and the Baden-Württemberg organic label (BioZBW). The work is supported by the Ministry for Rural Areas and Consumer Protection Baden-Württemberg (MLR).

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