Sustainable in attitude and business

For more than 25 years, we have been working for companies for which what is now referred to as “sustainability” was the actual founding impulse. Sustainable and green topics, especially organic farming, have always been an essential part of our work – in the development of brands, packaging design and communication. Against this backdrop, sustainability has become one of our core competencies. We now work for a wide variety of brands and companies – across all sectors – and offer a comprehensive range of services in all areas of sustainability strategy and communication. Not only advising, communicating and reporting – but also doing. As an agency, we therefore set ourselves the highest standards in terms of sustainability. More information on sustainability at Eberle.

Eberle wins the German Sustainability Award 2024

As a “pioneer for the transformation towards a more sustainable future”, we were the first advertising agency ever to be awarded the German Sustainability Award 2023 in the Advertising & PR category.

Nachhaltige Werbeagentur Nachhaltige Werbeagentur

Sustainability strategies

We develop brand and sustainability strategies. We work together with our customers in workshops to develop the foundations for this. On the one hand, this involves sustainability issues as part of a classic brand strategy process and, on the other, the development of sustainability strategies in order to derive fields of action for sustainability management within the company. The Eberle sustainability matrix below illustrates possible strategic approaches in the context of different starting situations:  Agency for sustainability Sustainability agency   Together with a network of partners, we support our clients throughout the entire process or in individual steps – no matter where they are in the sustainability process.

Our services include
Strategic consulting for sustainability processes
Implementation of materiality analyses
Support with competition and stakeholder analyses
Roadmapping: definition of goals, measures, KPIs
Sustainability aspects as a component of brand strategies
Nachhaltige Werbeagentur - Bienenstock Nachhaltige Werbeagentur - Bienenstock

Sustainability communication

Transparency and credibility are key elements of sustainability communication. Only those who communicate credibly strengthen their own brand. The time horizon also plays a role, not just short-term measures, but above all continuous communication pays off and creates credibility. And finally, all communication should be based on a strong central idea.  

4 Success factors in sustainability communication

1 Authenticity
2 Transparency
3 Timeline
4 Central idea

Based on your sustainability activities, we develop messages tailored to your target group and place them in the right channels to achieve a consistent and strong impact.

Our services include
Branding / Communication concept / Creative ideas
Communication strategies
Sustainability and CSR campaigns
Integration of sustainability in brand, product and internal corporate communication


Alnatura - Sustainability campaign
Alnatura Nachhaltigkeitskampagne Mehrweg statt Einweg
Alnatura - Sustainability campaign
Weleda - CSR campaign
Weleda CSR Kampagne
Weleda - CSR campaign
Deutsche Post - Sustainability offensive
Deutsche Post Nachhaltigkeitsoffensive
Deutsche Post - Sustainability offensive
Rheinsberger PreussenQuelle - the sustainability award
Nachhall Reihensberger Preussenquelle
Rheinsberger PreussenQuelle - the sustainability award
City of Ravensburg - Climate campaign
Stadt Ravensburg Klima
City of Ravensburg - Climate campaign

Sustainability reports

Sustainability reporting has several facets. We turn a mandatory report in accordance with a recognized standard into a communicative advertising medium – regardless of whether it is a first-time report or one with many years of experience in sustainability reporting.

Sustainability reporting in 4 steps

1 Basics
Objectives, topics and reporting standard
2 Contents
Preparation of the report content
3 Concept
Development of the creative concept
4 Implementation
Realization and production of the report

We support our clients throughout the entire process of creating a sustainability report – from the concept, through information and data collection, to text creation and layout.

Our services include
Advice on reporting standards, CSRD
Reporting concept & central idea
Information gathering / data collection
Editing & copywriting
Creative concept
Layout & final artwork
Production & Print


Alnatura - Sustainability reports
Alnatura Nachhaltigkeitsberichte 2013
Alnatura - Sustainability reports
Hipp - Sustainability communication
HiPP Nachhaltigkeit
Hipp - Sustainability communication
Loacker - Sustainability brochure
Loacker Broschüre
Loacker - Sustainability brochure
McDonald's - Sustainability report
Cover des Berichts
McDonald's - Sustainability report

Are you interested? Then get in touch with us.

Do you have any questions? Is your company also affected by the CSRD? Would you like to communicate your sustainability activities appropriately? Contact us for a non-binding initial consultation.

Stefanie Benkelmann-Eberle
Your contact person Stefanie Benkelmann-Eberle, Managing Director

    CO2 footprint

    The logical continuation of our strategy work in the area of sustainability is to support our customers in its implementation. Our network of partners provides expert advice on calculating your own carbon footprint and supporting insetting projects to reduce your own emissions, as well as offsetting unavoidable emissions through UN-certified agricultural projects.

    In this context, we developed a CO2-neutral label back in 2011 – and thus a complete concept that can be used for the certification of individual advertising materials as well as for the entire company. We have now gone one step further and designed a climate-positive label. The prerequisite for this is a sustainable orientation in the basic values, such as organic certification. In addition to overcompensation of at least 10% of the emissions generated, the company also reduces its own emissions through insetting projects. In addition to the use of the label, a comprehensive communication package is available, including images and information material on specific, illustrative projects.


    Below you will find a selection of customer projects that have opted for CO2 compensation for individual product areas or advertising materials.
    CO2 compensation for folding cartons

    Since 2016, we have been working with our customer Davert to offset the emissions generated by printing the folding cartons through a climate protection project.
    CO2 compensation for dairy foods

    Holle’s dairy foods have carried the “CO2-neutral” certificate since 2013. Dairy foods have even been climate-positive since 2022. In the meantime, however, Holle has decided to remove the “climate-positive” logo from its packaging.
    CO2 compensation of the sustainability report

    The emissions generated by printing the sustainability report were offset by a UN-certified climate protection project in South Africa.

    CO2-neutral website

    When we think of CO2 emissions, we think of cars, airplanes, ships, heating systems, clothing, furniture, etc. – but not the Internet. Yet the Internet in Germany produces as many emissions as the entire city of Berlin. That’s why we launched Here we offer companies the opportunity to calculate the emissions of their website free of charge – and to offset them directly, including a license to use our climate-positive label on their own website.
