01_CASE_Gemuesering_Stage 01_CASE_Gemuesering_Stage

Partner search for organic:
Image campaign for the vegetable ring


Gemüsering Stuttgart offers a wide range of fresh fruit and vegetables, which are grown both on its own farms and in cooperation with partners. The company relies on close cooperation with producers and targeted marketing of agricultural products – from production to supplying restaurants and commercial kitchens.

Although organic has long been an integral part of the company, this area has hardly been visible until now. The aims of the new BtB marketing campaign are to highlight Gemüsering’s organic expertise, to attract new organic producers to work with us and to increase the proportion of organic products in the long term. To this end, we developed the image campaign “Do you want organic with me?”: It creates awareness with strong main motifs and addresses topics such as the promotion of organic conversion in production.

We also developed an addition to the umbrella brand logo for this organic division of the vegetable ring, which now visualizes the organic orientation of the company division as “Bio-Gemüsering”. Our humorous communication strategy gets to the heart of the organic theme in a charming way and invites organic producers to become partners of the organic vegetable ring. The central idea is to take the topic of partner search literally, with a proposal and genuflection, in order to create an emotional connection to the future organic partners and to charge the brand with authenticity and sympathy.

Our creative concept development focused on concise main motifs that convey the values of the vegetable ring and the authenticity of organic production quickly and in an eye-catching way. In the concept phase, we used AI-generated images to visualize the creative idea in the designs and efficiently control the development of the motifs. To make the visual language as approachable as possible, we organized a photo shoot on location: real organic farmers and Gemüsering employees were portrayed in their natural working environment. The campaign was photographed by our in-house photo studio VISCOM. In addition to the main motifs, side visuals and portraits were created to complement the campaign.

The campaign is presented on the website, at trade fairs, on the Gemüsering truck fleet, in advertisements and posters, thus ensuring that the message is firmly anchored and that Gemüsering is perceived as a strong partner for organic produce.

Further work

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