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A feast for the senses – creative design for vegan products from Vitaquell

Ready for new markets: Vegan products are booming, and the health food brand Vitaquell wants to benefit from this market development with its high-quality plant-based foods and at the same time conquer the food retail trade. We developed strong, future-proof packaging for the launch of six vegan products.

The basis for this was a strategic brand workshop, on the basis of which we clearly positioned the new products. In this way, we created a visible differentiation from the competition and ensured a high level of attention – especially for new customers. A total of six new vegan organic products were launched: a plant-based alternative to butter, four delicatessen salads and a spread.

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We developed a creative name for the butter alternative: Vegan BUt beTTER. Type design, wordplay and color scheme merge into a fresh, modern look that reflects the brand values, communicates added value and product type and appeals to young target groups in particular.

Further work

Wellness Stars
Wellness Stars
Wellness Stars
Wellness Stars
DuMont - Campaign Escapades Travel Guide
DuMont Eskapaden Reiseführer
DuMont - Campaign Escapades Travel Guide
Weleda - Trade Marketing for Skin Food
Weleda - Trade Marketing for Skin Food
Alnatura - Relaunch products
Alnatura - Relaunch products
WMF - New service: Wish Fulfiller
WMF Wunscherfüller print
WMF - New service: Wish Fulfiller
Riegelein - Packaging design for new vegan products
Riegelein Schoko Range
Riegelein - Packaging design for new vegan products