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A rounded delight from the cheese counter –
Packaging design for “Lottes Liebling”


We had the pleasure of creating the packaging for the new round loaf cheese “Lottes Liebling” for the Bergader cheese dairy. The mildly aromatic product with fine milk mold is a light soft cheese alternative for conscious connoisseurs who prefer cheese with less fat. Our timeless and high-quality design successfully bridges the gap between traditional values and modern cheese craftsmanship for today’s consumer needs. Elegant creamy white provides the perfect backdrop for the delicate illustration of an idyllic mountain landscape.

The premium character is emphasized by the curved typography and the golden traditional logo. “Lottes Liebling” is a tribute to Charlotte Steffel, daughter of the Bergader company founder – an important personality for the company’s storytelling: this narrative level turns the cheese into a piece of history that can be experienced by the senses.

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