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Sustainability report of Scholz Recycling GmbH


Sustainability is the way forward for all of humanity worldwide. The core business of Scholz Recycling GmbH (SRG) as a pioneering scrap recycling company is therefore the promotion of the circular economy.

eberle-design-infografik-scholz-nachhaltigkeitsbericht-recycling-kreislauf eberle-design-infografik-scholz-nachhaltigkeitsbericht-recycling-kreislauf

The principle “From waste to raw material” is a fundamental part of our corporate philosophy. This is also the motto of SRG’s first sustainability report, which was developed entirely by us.

This was prepared with reference to the Consolidated Standards 2021 of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). From the basic concept to copywriting and design.

Further work

Rheinsberger PreussenQuelle - Organic mineral water campaign
Rheinsberg Preussenquelle
Rheinsberger PreußenQuelle Klimapositv
Rheinsberger PreussenQuelle - Organic mineral water campaign
Rheinsberg Preussenquelle
Telenot - Brand strategy & content marketing
Telenot - Brand strategy & content marketing
Loacker - Sustainability brochure
Loacker Broschüre
Loacker - Sustainability brochure
Silit - 100 years anniversary campaign
Silit - 100 years anniversary campaign
WMF - Fish hall sales campaign
WMF Abverkaufs-Kampagne Fischhalle Relaunch
WMF - Fish hall sales campaign
Lehmann natur - Relaunch of brand identity
Lehmann nature
Lehmann natur - Relaunch of brand identity
Lehmann nature