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Weleda 2in1 POS campaign 2024: Trade marketing with a sustainable approach.

The Skin Food care range and Weleda showers are two important sales drivers for Weleda. That is why they are also the focus of the Weleda 2in1 POS campaign 2024. In the interests of sustainable production, we have bundled the two campaigns to minimize both the use of materials and the number of shipping units to retailers as much as possible. CO2 emissions can also be significantly reduced across all stages.

For the PoS, we designed and developed a shop window decoration that can be used by retailers for both product areas – either the “Skin Food” or “Showers” theme can be communicated through appropriate arrangement.

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Both stand displays are based on the same basic design, which is as small and space-saving as possible. The “Skin Food & Pomegranate Firming Facial Care” floor display contains a removable counter display for modular use in secondary placement or in the counter area. A removable tray for the limited edition “Summer Boost” was developed for the “Weleda Shower Care” floor display. This tray can be removed after the Limited Edition is sold out and placed separately on the shelf or on the counter.

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Further work

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