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Launch AlpenJodSalz with selenium from Bad Reichenhaller

The first advertisement in the Lebensmittel Zeitung finally publicizes one of our projects that we have been working on over the past few months: the launch of the new AlpenJodSalz with selenium from Bad Reichenhaller. We provided comprehensive support for the launch of this new product, from packaging design to trade communication and publicity campaigns. We can look forward to further colorful designs and a broad-based media offensive that will start in early summer. You can already watch the accompanying commercial now – film away:

To the new product:

After more than 20 years, Germany’s best-known salt brand is expanding its popular range of Alpine salts, thereby tapping into a whole new target group. Flexitarians, vegetarians and vegans – anyone who often doesn’t eat meat belongs to the risk group for an inadequate selenium supply. The addition of this vital trace element to salt makes it easy to ensure a basic supply in everyday life.


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