Herta for tomorrow

For the 36-page Herta Sustainability Report, we first analyzed the key topics and defined them together with Herta in accordance with the GRI standards. To do this, we analyzed facts and figures from the areas of CO2 emissions, waste and plastic reduction, quality, animal husbandry and social interaction. The verification of these KPIs and thus the confirmation of the materiality analysis was carried out through several subsequent stakeholder surveys. The interviews conducted with management, quality management, purchasing, production, personnel, marketing and various suppliers provided us with the necessary information to communicate Herta’s sustainability management measures in the report.

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Gain insight, create an overview, enable transparency

Based on the materiality matrix and the survey results, we developed the concept, texts and design for the report, which presents the sustainability strategy and future goals in a structured and transparent way under the title “Herta for tomorrow”. In addition to extensive texts, we placed graphic highlights such as the illustration of the production process of cooked ham with its more than 30 control steps.

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Make goals transparent

“Herta for tomorrow” has a double meaning in the report: firstly as a clear title motto, and secondly as a separate text section in the individual chapters. This separate text section contains planned improvement measures including their concrete implementation and can be seen as Herta’s sustainability roadmap.

Further work

Weleda - OoH campaign
Weleda OoH Kampagne Bahnhof
Weleda - OoH campaign
Alnatura - Packaging relaunch for vegan products
Alnatura vegane Produkte Verpackung
Alnatura - Packaging relaunch for vegan products
Pflanzen Kölle - Complete relaunch
Plants Kölle
Pflanzen Kölle Relaunch
Pflanzen Kölle - Complete relaunch
Plants Kölle
City of Ravensburg - Climate messenger
Stadt Ravensburg
Klimabote Stadt Ravensburg
City of Ravensburg - Climate messenger
Stadt Ravensburg
City of Ravensburg - Testimonial campaign
Stadt Ravensburg
Testimonial Stadt Ravensburg
City of Ravensburg - Testimonial campaign
Stadt Ravensburg
Rheinsberger PreussenQuelle - Organic mineral water campaign
Rheinsberg Preussenquelle
Rheinsberger PreußenQuelle Klimapositv
Rheinsberger PreussenQuelle - Organic mineral water campaign
Rheinsberg Preussenquelle