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Creative with chocolate

Confiserie Riegelein is one of Europe’s market leaders for seasonal chocolate figures. We have been developing product range ideas and designing packaging for Riegelein for over 20 years.

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We have many years of expertise in the field of brainstorming, development and realization of chocolate figures and have worked on many of the more than 750 different chocolate products that form the core of the Riegelein range.

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But it’s not just the design of the chocolate figurines themselves that connects us with Riegelein, the chocolate makers from Cadolzberg also trust us when it comes to communication: whether in the catalog design, the regular trade advertisements or the Internet presence.

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Further work

Riegelein - Packaging design for new vegan products
Riegelein Schoko Range
Riegelein - Packaging design for new vegan products
Weißenhorner - Packaging dairy products
Weißenhorner Molkerei relaunch
Weißenhorner - Packaging dairy products
Voelkel - Launch oils in the returnable bottle
Voelkel Öl Launch
Voelkel - Launch oils in the returnable bottle
Vegetable ring - image campaign
Vegetable ring
Vegetable ring - image campaign
Vegetable ring
Lebenswert bio - Brand image
Liveable organic
Lebenswert bio Packaging
Lebenswert bio - Brand image
Liveable organic
MBW - Organic quality label campaign
Bio Regional
MBW - Organic quality label campaign
Holle babyfood - Launch Kids Range
Holle babyfood - Launch Kids Range