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Sustainability never stops: Thinking ahead is HiPP’s motto

With thinking ahead as the guiding principle, HiPP’s sustainability communication follows on from the motto of the campaign “Organic thinking ahead”. We designed the sustainability reports for 2020 and now also for 2022.

The emotional and generous photos underline how much HiPP takes the issue of sustainability to heart. Lovely diagrams and graphics enrich the visual world and illustrate the figures, data and facts in a vivid way.

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The butterfly, which bears the botanical name “Rohdochlora claushippi”, is a prominent feature of these reports. The Munich State Zoological Collection has named the butterfly after Claus Hipp in recognition of his commitment to species conservation.


HiPP introduced EMAS, short for Eco-Management and Audit Scheme, at one of its sites back in 1995. Today, all locations are EMAS-certified. EMAS is the world’s most demanding environmental management system, in which companies disclose all environmental aspects, from energy consumption and waste to emissions, and set clear targets for improvement. These data and targets are recorded in an environmental statement and checked by an external auditor. We have designed these environmental statements for the five HiPP sites in Germany, Austria, Croatia and Hungary, in some cases in several languages.

You can read the individual sustainability reports here.

Further work

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