
The basis of a successful communication strategy is a creative idea that is attractive, emotional and can be adapted to all relevant communication channels. We develop this idea with appropriate communication and media strategies. And realise them for all channels from online to print.

Vegetable ring - image campaign
Vegetable ring - image campaign
VOG - Sustainability brochure
VOG - Sustainability brochure
Alnatura pasture milk relaunch
Relaunch Alnatura Weidemilch Produkte
Alnatura pasture milk relaunch
Wellness Stars
Wellness Stars
comundus regisafe GmbH
Comundus Regisafe
comundus regisafe GmbH
Alnatura - 40th anniversary campaign
40 Jahre Alnatura Jubiläumskampagne
Alnatura - 40th anniversary campaign
Arnold Glas - Strategy, concept & content marketing
Arnold Glas - Strategy, concept & content marketing
Voith - Content Marketing & Corporate Publishing
Voith - Content Marketing & Corporate Publishing
Stadtwerke Gmünd - Image campaign 2024
Stadtwerke Gmünd - Image campaign 2024
Byodo - Packaging launch of gourmet olive oils
Byodo - Packaging launch of gourmet olive oils
ZEAG Energie AG - Image campaign
ZEAG Energie AG Imagekampagne Windrad
ZEAG Energie AG - Image campaign
Stadtwerke Konstanz - Image campaign
Stadtwerke Konstanz - Image campaign
City of Ravensburg - Climate campaign
Stadt Ravensburg Klima
City of Ravensburg - Climate campaign
Byodo - Print campaign
Byodo Printkamapgne
Byodo - Print campaign
City of Ravensburg - Climate messenger
Klimabote Stadt Ravensburg
City of Ravensburg - Climate messenger
Neudorff - attention-grabbing lawn campaign
Neudorff - attention-grabbing lawn campaign
Schrozberg dairy farmers - communication concept
Transparenz Schrozberger Milchbauern
Schrozberg dairy farmers - communication concept
Davert - Further development of communication presence
Davert - Further development of communication presence
Rheinsberger PreussenQuelle - Organic mineral water campaign
Rheinsberger PreußenQuelle Klimapositv
Rheinsberger PreussenQuelle - Organic mineral water campaign
MBW - Image campaign We supply our country
MBW - Image campaign We supply our country
Stadtwerke Konstanz - New brand identity
Stadtwerke Konstanz Marke
Stadtwerke Konstanz - New brand identity
Riedenburger - Complete relaunch for organic beer
Riedenburger Brauerei Bio
Riedenburger - Complete relaunch for organic beer
Weleda - Relaxation campaign
Weleda Entspannung Kampagne
Weleda - Relaxation campaign
Heidelberg Chlorella - New website
Heidelberger Chlorella Web
Heidelberg Chlorella - New website
Weleda - Campaign Medicinal Skin
Hauthelfer der Weleda Haut
Weleda - Campaign Medicinal Skin
Dr. Schaette - Brand identity and packaging
Dr. Schaette Markenauftritt Packaging
Dr. Schaette - Brand identity and packaging
WMF - New service: Wish Fulfiller
WMF Wunscherfüller print
WMF - New service: Wish Fulfiller
Weleda - Neurodoron campaign
Weleda Neurodoron Kamapgne
Weleda - Neurodoron campaign
Kaiser - 100th anniversary campaign
Kaiser 100 Jahre Jubiläum
Kaiser - 100th anniversary campaign
Allos - New communication platform
Allos Neue Kommunikation Vorschau
Allos - New communication platform
Alnatura - Campaign for the Alnatura Organic Farmer Initiative
Alnatura Bio-Bauern-Initiative Kampagne
Alnatura - Campaign for the Alnatura Organic Farmer Initiative
DuMont - Campaign Escapades Travel Guide
DuMont Eskapaden Reiseführer
DuMont - Campaign Escapades Travel Guide
Software AG Foundation - New brand identity
Software AG Stiftung Relaunch
Software AG Foundation - New brand identity
Stadtwerke Gmünd - Image campaign
Stadtwerke Gmünd Image
Stadtwerke Gmünd - Image campaign
MBW - Regional specialties online campaign
regionalen Spezialitäten MBW
MBW - Regional specialties online campaign
Ratius - Catalogs for jewelry and watches
Ratius Schmuck Uhren
Ratius - Catalogs for jewelry and watches
MBW - Naturally. FROM HOME. Campaign
Daheim MBW
MBW - Naturally. FROM HOME. Campaign
Alnatura - Payback mailings
Payback Mailings
Alnatura - Payback mailings
Rheinsberger PreussenQuelle - New brand image
Bio Mineralwasser PreussenQuelle
Rheinsberger PreussenQuelle - New brand image
Schrozberger Milchbauern - Brand relaunch
Schrozberger Milchbauern Relaunch Web
Schrozberger Milchbauern - Brand relaunch
WMF - Fish hall sales campaign
WMF Abverkaufs-Kampagne Fischhalle Relaunch
WMF - Fish hall sales campaign
Bruno Söhnle - Communication measures
Bruno Söhnle Kommunikation
Bruno Söhnle - Communication measures
Kaiser - Corporate Design
Kaiser Backformen
Kaiser - Corporate Design
Silit - Roadshow communication
Silit Roadshow Deutschland
Silit - Roadshow communication
Alnatura - Seed promotions
Saatgut Alnatura
Alnatura - Seed promotions
Fashy - New brand image
Fashy little stars
Fashy - New brand image
Erdgas Südwest - Reference customer campaign
Erdgas Südwest Referenzkunden
Erdgas Südwest - Reference customer campaign
MBW - Organic quality label campaign
Bio Regional
MBW - Organic quality label campaign
Stadtwerke Ulm - Energy saving campaign
Energiesparkampagne Stadtwerke Ulm
Stadtwerke Ulm - Energy saving campaign
MBW - Campaign for Protected Originals
Botschafter geschützter Originale
MBW - Campaign for Protected Originals
Stadtwerke Ulm - Image campaign
Stadtwerke Ulm - Image campaign
City of Ravensburg - Testimonial campaign
Testimonial Stadt Ravensburg
City of Ravensburg - Testimonial campaign
Bad Reichenhaller - Launch AlpenJodSalz with selenium
Bad Reichenhaller Verpackungsdesign
Bad Reichenhaller - Launch AlpenJodSalz with selenium
Holle babyfood – Climate positive campaign
Holle babyfood – Climate positive campaign
Neudorff - Cross-media image campaign
Neudorff Crossmediale Imagekampagne
Neudorff - Cross-media image campaign
Weleda - Natural wisdom food supplement
Weleda Nahrungsergänzungsmittel Naturweisheit
Weleda - Natural wisdom food supplement
Silit - 100 years anniversary campaign
Silit - 100 years anniversary campaign
Weleda - Christmas 2019 campaign
Weleda Geschenkset Weihnachten 2019
Weleda - Christmas 2019 campaign
Alnatura - Sustainability campaign
Alnatura Nachhaltigkeitskampagne Mehrweg statt Einweg
Alnatura - Sustainability campaign
Holle - Corporate Identity
Holle Markenauftritt CI
Holle - Corporate Identity
Weleda - Sun protection campaign
Weleda Sonnenschutz Kampagne
Weleda - Sun protection campaign
Holle - Sustainability magazines
Holle Nachhaltigkeitsmagazin Nachhaltigkeitsbericht
Holle - Sustainability magazines
Weleda - PoS campaign eye drops
Weleda Augentropfen
Weleda - PoS campaign eye drops
Weleda - Shower with the best ingredients Campaign
weleda dusche kampagne
Weleda - Shower with the best ingredients Campaign
Weleda - Cold campaign 2017
Infulrodon Erkältung
Weleda - Cold campaign 2017
Alnatura - Corporate Design
Alnatura Corporate Design Vorschau
Alnatura - Corporate Design
Alnatura - Campaign flyer
Alnatura - Campaign flyer
Weleda - Medicines spring campaign
Arzneimittel Weleda Frühjahr
Weleda - Medicines spring campaign
Weleda - Children's showers campaign
Weleda Kinderduschen Packshots
Weleda - Children's showers campaign
Demeter - Image campaign
Demeter Kampagne Vorschau
Demeter - Image campaign
Davert - New brand image
Davert Markenauftritt Strategie
Davert - New brand image
Olival da Risca - Brand identity
demeter Olivenöl olival da risca
Olival da Risca - Brand identity
Holle - Sustainability report
Holle Nachhaltigkeitsbericht
Holle - Sustainability report
Weleda - OoH campaign
Weleda OoH Kampagne Bahnhof
Weleda - OoH campaign
Alnatura - Product image campaign
Alnatura Image-Kampagne Milder Apfel
Alnatura - Product image campaign
Silit - Quadro launch campaign
Silit Kochtopf Qaudro
Silit - Quadro launch campaign
Demeter - Journal design
Demeter Journal Relaunch
Demeter - Journal design
Silit - Corporate Identity
Corporate Identity Silit
Silit - Corporate Identity
Weleda - CSR campaign
Weleda CSR Kampagne
Weleda - CSR campaign
